TBIO Membership Application          Request for Donation                Nutrition by Drone Irrigation        

About TBIO

Health Community Collaboration Contacts


Benevolent Healthcare Foundation, d.b.a., Project C.U.R.E., a Non- Profit organization, is available and committed to work in partnership with Damas Magesa of Tanzania Bio-Electronics Information Organization (TBIO) in improving the healthcare infrastructure in Tanzania.
TBIO aims to act as a hub connecting local health care providers and institutions with organizations worldwide to significantly improve access to comprehensive, quality health care services for thousands of Tanzanians.

The Global Clinical Engineering Allience is collaborating with TBIO as recognized.
TBIO have joined Clinical Engineering community and benefit from Strengthening the representation of the interests of GCEA. Thus increase the collaboration amongst Clinical Engineering practitioners as well as between Clinical Engineering and other stake holders in the healthcare delivery system, gaining appreciation for the relationship between healthcare technology management and patient outcomes.
The Tanzania Bio-electronics Information Organization is collaborating with China leading agriculture company, Chufangagri in the issue of Nutrition through introducing Drone irrigation technology. The Technology enables wide farm irrigation including pesticide spray and many more that result in Healthy havesting and reliable farm products.
TBIO and CHUFANGAGRI will be providing free training for Drone controllers, Full technical support and other services related to agriculture.
Also we are welcoming those who wants to be agent/distributors in Tanzania and other Countries.
Contact +255786278000 (this number is also available on wasap)

© Copyright 2018 Tanzania Bio-Electronics Information Organization - TBIO